Bday Weekend Part 1!

HAPPY Bday to me and ALL the Scorpio’s around the world… we rule the Zodiac, lol… so people keep telling me on twitter! I am going to write this blog in 3 parts in order to keep them a decent length and since I have ADOSTD (Attention Deficit OH Shiny Thing Disorder)! My birthday was actually November 9th, but because I wanted to wait and celebrate my bday with a couple of my Scorpio sisters, I waited til the 20th to celebrate. I have to say, I am SO glad I was able to wait and share the celebration… I could not have asked for a better group of people to celebrate with, I am truly blessed.

On Thursday the 18th I drove to San Diego to begin the festivities. Much like any other adventure that involves me, it couldn’t go off without a hitch. My first mistake was leaving town without turning off my niteflirt service, which most of you know as the phone sex line, lol! As I am driving in the middle of NOWHERE Arizona my phone rings, the special nf ring, and thinking “I have nothing else going on”, I answer. The call seems to be going fine, the details aren’t exciting enough to share, but about 20 mins in, as I am running out of things to say and making a final push to “finish” up, my GPS starts talking… “Drive 200 miles and exit…”! WTF!!! For a brief moment there was silence and then a loud burst of “Are you in the car!?!” I quickly responded “NOOOO!” Funny enough right about that time the “You have one minute remaining” announcement came on and needless to say I did not give him the opportunity to add more time.

After the ruined chat session things seemed to be moving along fine. I was making excellent time, relaxing with cruise control and listening to Now 35, when I hit the first Border Patrol checkpoint outside of Yuma. There were a couple of lines, one for cars and one for big rigs, so it was a pretty quick process. Just like ALL of the other times I have gone through checkpoints, I got to the officer and he waved me right on through. I hit resume on the cruise control, turned the stereo up and assumed that I would coast right on into San Diego… boy was I wrong! 28 miles from my destination I hit another Border Patrol checkpoint, this time with only 1 line it took forever. Since I thought I would be making good time I didn’t stop at the rest area, and needless to say by now I realllly had to go. After waiting in line for 10 mins or so I get up to the officer, expecting to be waived though and making it to the porcelain Goddess in a timely fashion, and he asked me my status… I said US Citizen… he asked where I was coming from… I said Phoenix… he said are you traveling alone… I said “Yes, except for the midget in my trunk!” and laughed… apparently this was the WRONG answer.

The officer looked at me with a straight face and asked me who’s car I was driving and when I told him it was mine he asked me to pull of to the side for further questioning. Now, maybe it was just me but I thought my answer was funny… apparently I was the only one! When the next officer came to my window this is how it went:
Officer: What’s your status?
Me: US Citizen
Officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: Phoenix
Officer: Where are you going?
Me: San Diego
Officer: What is the purpose of your travel?
Me: Just visiting… it’s my birthday weekend!
Officer: Roll down your back windows
I complied, he flashed his lights in
Officer: Are you traveling alone?
Me: (learning my lesson) YES, I am alone
Officer: May I look in your trunk
Me: Sure (popped the trunk)
Officer: There is only a bag in there, do I have permission to look in it?
Me: Sure… (as I said hesitantly because I knew when he unzipped the bag the first thing he would see were a gallon size ziploc bag FULL of condoms of various colors, sizes and flavors, vibrators and a DVD with ME naked on the cover)
I heard the bag unzip, then zip and the trunk close.
Officer: What did you say you were doing in San Diego? (as a small smile started to come about his face)
Me: Party… it’s my birthday weekend, speaking of which there goes my friends right now (as my friends Hank and Shanny drive by and I’m waving vigorously out the window)
Officer: *chuckles* Ok Miss, you have a good night!
Me: Thank you… you do the same

Needless to say as I drove away I pondered exactly what made the initial officer detain me for questioning/search. Do I look like a suspicious drug smuggler? I know it can’t be because I look like a small Mexican woman with a thick accent who doesn’t speak English! I did however learn a valuable lesson about making jokes about toting midgets around in the trunk, lol!

2 responses to “Bday Weekend Part 1!

  1. You know, while you’re in Cali you should head up to L.A. and pitch your adventures and shenanigans as a movie. Someone will bite.

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