Tag Archives: november

Getting older!

So next month, November 9th, is my birthday… yup, I’m a Scorpio! Even though I’m still in my 20’s I’m having a hard time getting older. There are so many things that I want to accomplish before I hit 30 and as the years go by they seem to go by faster and faster… what the hell, slow down so I can catch up already!

Even in my 20’s I don’t think I’m aging gracefully, lol… wtf is up with the spots on my skin? I swear, I may have a break down when I get my first wrinkle. The only good thing about being a bbw and getting older is the whole watching what I eat thing. Don’t get me wrong, I try to eat as healthy as I can… low salt, no candy, etc. I recently stopped drinking soda and have been very successful at it thus far… yay me!

The one thing that I do notice is that my sex drive seems to be increasing substantially. I am actually worried about hitting my 30’s, my so called prime, I may need sex suppressants, lol… do they even make those? I am so crazy horny these days that there is no 1 man that could ever keep up with me, even those who claim to be sex addicts aren’t up to the challenge. I seriously need a “Horny Holgan”, lol!

The only thing that really gives me comfort about aging is that men don’t age gracefully either, with their mid life crisis’s and stuff, lol! This may be the one time where men and women can relate on the same issue.

Anywho… getting older is not the bizness and I suck at it! I have much respect for those who do do it well!