Crazy people…

The thing about dealing with crazy people, and I’m talking about the truly insane, is that they don’t know they’re crazy! Even though I learned many years ago that trying to argue or even have a rational conversation with a crazy person is absolutely pointless, I sometimes get wrapped up in the moment. Not that I’m the most sane person roaming the planet, lol, let’s face it, I’m down right certifiable but the difference is that I can hold a descent conversation. The biggest issue seems to arise when crazy people have an alternate reality.

Now the best example of crazy that I have encountered is my mother and can I just say that dealing with someone who has MAJOR denial issues is uber frustrating! Most people already know that I went into foster care at a very young age and had a pretty strenuous almost non-existent relationship with my mother. As I got older we’ve talked more but have continued to have a very strenuous relationship. Recently I have been going through some pretty rough times in my personal life and in lieu of support my mother has decided to give me grief.

I try talking to her about the things she does and how it affects me but she is in such denial and is so immature that she yells and hangs up on me. She tells me to never call her again and that ‘I’ need to make amends to her but never once had apologized, or admitted to for that matter, for anything she put me though as a child. In her world I am wrong and as she says “You have nobody to blame but yourself and the genes you got from your dad…”! *Sigh* Now I’m the first one to fess up to my mistakes but c’mon… at least acknowledge the past as it really was, not the way you have made it up to be in your own head.

I dunno, maybe I’m asking for too much when it comes to dealing with the people in my family. Maybe this is why I’m so picky when it comes to letting people close to me, however I have made mistakes in that area too. We all have crazy people in our lives in some form or another… for sanity to exist there needs to be insanity to keep the balance.

4 responses to “Crazy people…

  1. I feel for you. I one just like that now I haven’t seen her in 24 yrs lol but we talk now and then but I keep it with the present never go to the past! its just not worth the grief. I hope things get better for you sweetheart!

  2. I feel you there Sweetness. My grandfather is in a state of denial about his mistakes and he not only refuses to accept them, he tries to blame others for them.

    Perseverance is the name of the game Dear.

  3. it’s always said that family are the biggest people who can hurt you. I had relatives that I haven’t spoken to in years because of insanity issues. Worst off I had a grandmother I only talked to 3 times in my entire life only because my dad wouldn’t be the perfect son cause she was out of it so I can sympathize greatly. But know it will get better. Just do what you do for yourself and keep your head up.

  4. wow. trust me I have had my deal of crazy people one of them being a close family member as well. All there is to do with people like that is keep distance for your own sanity and just pray for them as well as yourself. Leave it in Gods hands and try not to worry about it.

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